Sunday, November 18, 2007

toy boat diva

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sighted: toy boat cafe, 5th ave. & clement, SF, saturday 17 november 2007, 4:30 p.m.

the blue leather mary quant coat was the first thing to catch our eye, and then our delightful subject unveiled her graphically pleasing dress and the ensemble reached another level of style.


Anonymous said...

hello, sorry for my english, i can see the links of diferents cities, in my opinion Madrid is a fashion city with the pasarela cibeles, and I saw a blog o fashion of madrid and barcelona.
I can said the link of this blog?please.
the direction is and the blog called COoL PEOPLE. madrid and barcelona.
you can see the blog and after you can add on to your list. Thank you for you attention and congratulations for your blog, is´t very interesting. TANK YOU


MissJ said...

I'm the nicest person ever. That said, I would totally push her in front of a double-decker city bus for that HOT(!) royal blue leather coat!

Blue Floppy Hat said...

I liked it better with the coat on because the colour is just so beautiful, but she's very stylish either way.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

I want... no, in fact I NEED that coat.


Anonymous said...

new post pleeeeez

Anonymous said...

Too cute!