sighted: surrealist ball at the victoria and albert museum, south kensington, london, friday 25 may 2007.
this tribute to magritte in the flesh stunned absolutely everyone at the ball. they should have been crowned surrealist king and queen.
fashion blog focusing on original "street" fashion found in London, UK, and elsewhere. we aim to capture the witty, fun, elegant, capricious, dapper, and creative dressers among us.
wow that is amazing!
I'm sending this to my boyfriend. He knows it's one of my favorite paintings.
interesting picture! very cool!
i love your blog, i just wish you updated more often!
love this blog!
I've opened the first street fashion website for Tel-Aviv, Israel. I've added you to my world list.please check out mine as well.
Simply magnificent.
reminds me of the cover art of Casually Dressed and Deep In Coversation by funeral for a friend
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