sighted: 'pop in,' rue amelot, 11 arr., paris, sunday 1 april 2007, 2 a.m.
absurdly charming, kevin and vincent are savvy's FIRST in-person encounter with our readers outside of the UK! street-blog regulars, they also happen to be friends with the handsome vincent who was our first parisian shot ever! tres incroyable! it is a small world after all....and a very very friendly one. thank you k and v for making us feel at home in paris, at pop in, and well...everywhere. we shall meet again.
small world. hot guys. I like this world. :)
The monsieur on the right, Vincent, I assume, is beyond adorable.
they are both, beyond adorable in every way one could imagine.
Agree with English girl up there.. I should migrate.
Hey Guys!^^ I like them...
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